Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lego Agents

This is my favorite gray agent that I ever made. He has a cool gun and a cool walkie-talkie. I painted his visor gray. In the back of him I put wings, some money, a supply kit, and another cartridge of bullets. His pants are from the gray scout trooper in a kind of old set. The trooper has a really rare visor that I really want. On Amazon it is worth $20. The head is from a knight but it looks more like a robber's head to me. My cousin gave me the idea to make the gun except I added stuff on.

This is an army agent. I used the Toy Story army figures for the helmet and torso. I used Crazy Glue to glue on the arm piece. The arm piece is the sight I cut off one of my guns. I didn't glue the binoculars on - I just pt them on after it dried. I used acrylic paints to paint the one arm. In the backpack I put a cool Brickarms bullet cartridge.

This is my Roman agent. He has cool aqua pants on him because I thought it looked great. The magnifying lens-like thing is from Brickforge. It isn't really a magnifying lens but I pretend it is. I have a real magnifying lens but I don't know where it is so I don't use it. I used my Capri Sun straw to do the arm pieces. I also put grandees on him with a rubber band and put a red spider cape on the back of him. I think he looks really cool.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Justin,

    I love your blog! It was a great idea. I really like the green army agent guy and the silver brick is awesome. Keep up with all your super ideas!!!!

    Love, Mom
