I've gone to websites that give me designs I can paste on to my figure's shirts, arm pieces, and pants.

Lets talk about paints. For these minifigures I use Testors acrylic paint and I made little hats out of Crayola Model Magic. I used felt to make the capes for them. I used little rubber bands on the figure with George Washington hair to make it look like a jungle warrior.

Now lets talk about how you can use rubber bands. I used a rubber band to keep the back piece on tight in this 6-arm minifigure.

You can use paper to design cool figures also. On this agent I used paper to make his eyes look better than they really do. I also used a small rubber band to hold on the grenades from Brickarms. I also used a Brickforge Roman helmet.

I call this figure "Rock monster raider". For this guy my mom made the robe and I made the red tunic. The gun is again from Brickarms.
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