Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cool Lego minifigures

There are some really cool Lego minifigures out there. Sometimes you can customize your figures to make them look cooler.

I've gone to websites that give me designs I can paste on to my figure's shirts, arm pieces, and pants.

Lets talk about paints. For these minifigures I use Testors acrylic paint and I made little hats out of Crayola Model Magic. I used felt to make the capes for them. I used little rubber bands on the figure with George Washington hair to make it look like a jungle warrior.

Now lets talk about how you can use rubber bands. I used a rubber band to keep the back piece on tight in this 6-arm minifigure.

You can use paper to design cool figures also. On this agent I used paper to make his eyes look better than they really do. I also used a small rubber band to hold on the grenades from Brickarms. I also used a Brickforge Roman helmet.

I used straws to make cool arm pieces that I put on my figures. I also use them to put on the front of my gun as a silencer. Here's another example of when I used paper to make the eyes cooler. I got the helmet, holster, and armor from Brickforge. I used paper and tape to make the shoes.

I call this figure "Rock monster raider". For this guy my mom made the robe and I made the red tunic. The gun is again from Brickarms.

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