Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lego Decals

I really like to do decals for my figures.  Sometimes I do crazy things and it looks cool to me.  I use all sorts of websites to do my decals.  My favorite website to go to for decals is Lego Stickers and Decals at  They have some cool army stuff.  Most of the decals are for free except there is one person names Roaglaan who doesn't let you have them for free.  You can see an example in the picture above of a decal that I could use.  I also use stickers sometimes from model airplanes and rockets.  You can see some of those sticker sheets in the picture above.  In the picture below is another one of my agents figs except this one has silver stickers on it from a model rocket.  The red eyes and badge on his pants are from an army airplane plastic model kit.  The gun is from Brickarms with a sticker around the silencer.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My cousin Luke's cool Legos

Here is a cool scene that my cousin Luke made with his Legos.  My cousin's creations are some of my favorite Legos.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lego Agents

This is my favorite gray agent that I ever made. He has a cool gun and a cool walkie-talkie. I painted his visor gray. In the back of him I put wings, some money, a supply kit, and another cartridge of bullets. His pants are from the gray scout trooper in a kind of old set. The trooper has a really rare visor that I really want. On Amazon it is worth $20. The head is from a knight but it looks more like a robber's head to me. My cousin gave me the idea to make the gun except I added stuff on.

This is an army agent. I used the Toy Story army figures for the helmet and torso. I used Crazy Glue to glue on the arm piece. The arm piece is the sight I cut off one of my guns. I didn't glue the binoculars on - I just pt them on after it dried. I used acrylic paints to paint the one arm. In the backpack I put a cool Brickarms bullet cartridge.

This is my Roman agent. He has cool aqua pants on him because I thought it looked great. The magnifying lens-like thing is from Brickforge. It isn't really a magnifying lens but I pretend it is. I have a real magnifying lens but I don't know where it is so I don't use it. I used my Capri Sun straw to do the arm pieces. I also put grandees on him with a rubber band and put a red spider cape on the back of him. I think he looks really cool.


This is a fort I made. I made cool trap doors on the sides. On the back I put a black plate as a wall. My Dad made cool sliding doors in the front. My Dad also made the tankish-like mobile. In the the mountain is the silver brick. I also put some painted silver bricks in there too. I put my favorite figures in the fort. The figure standing next to the tank is the enemy. On the outside is the two figures that I painted.

This is another part of the fort I just showed you. This a new part I just added. It has some new figures and I also put the two silver figures I spray painted on it. I added it to the front of the fort.

silver lego brick

Here is yes the silver brick I have two of them.It is my favorite brick I have. I painted some other silver but this one is real.I got it at a garage sale. you would normally get it in a set that just has bricks in it. I got it with other stuff though. I really like the silver brick.

Cool Lego minifigures

There are some really cool Lego minifigures out there. Sometimes you can customize your figures to make them look cooler.

I've gone to websites that give me designs I can paste on to my figure's shirts, arm pieces, and pants.

Lets talk about paints. For these minifigures I use Testors acrylic paint and I made little hats out of Crayola Model Magic. I used felt to make the capes for them. I used little rubber bands on the figure with George Washington hair to make it look like a jungle warrior.

Now lets talk about how you can use rubber bands. I used a rubber band to keep the back piece on tight in this 6-arm minifigure.

You can use paper to design cool figures also. On this agent I used paper to make his eyes look better than they really do. I also used a small rubber band to hold on the grenades from Brickarms. I also used a Brickforge Roman helmet.

I used straws to make cool arm pieces that I put on my figures. I also use them to put on the front of my gun as a silencer. Here's another example of when I used paper to make the eyes cooler. I got the helmet, holster, and armor from Brickforge. I used paper and tape to make the shoes.

I call this figure "Rock monster raider". For this guy my mom made the robe and I made the red tunic. The gun is again from Brickarms.

Army Legos

Army Legos are fun to play with. Here are some websites that give you cool army stuff for Legos. This website gives you lost of army guns and army figures though sometimes they are all sold out. Here are some cool guns yo can get:
-Space Magnum
-Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) launcher
-grenades (2 types)
-u-clips (used for attaching knives and other things to guns) You can get a few guns at this site. They have super cool armor that you can put on Lego minifigures. It looks just like metal armor.

Here are some customized Lego minifigures I've made